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O'Neill Orthopaedics

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What do we do?

Welcome to DoctorDanNH.  After over 35 years in medicine, there has been a certain spreading of wings, or at least a broadening of ideas and interests in my professional life. Toward that end, this website shows me wearing the multiple hats I now stand under on a weekly basis: orthopaedic surgeon, sports medicine doctor, sport psychologist, medical-legal consultant, researcher, and even writer. Please take time to wander at your leisure. Various pages have blog sites, patients information, excerpts from my books:  Knee Surgery and Survival of the Fittest, and of course, contact information for the different pages. Yes- there is even a link to the website for my day job: a doctor at The Alpine Clinic and Littleton Hospital. I will also have links to multiple groups, affiliated schools, books, articles, and other useful (and sometimes just interesting) information that is DoctorDanNH.

Thank you in advance for your visit. For any questions you cannot find the answers to, shoot me an email at: dfoneillmd@gmail.com.

Books By Dr. Daniel F. O'Neill

Survival of the Fit

Survival of the Fit, offers a new, revelatory, and occasionally controversial, plan to save the health of America’s youth, and lays out a blueprint for parents and educators to make our kids stronger, smarter, and better equipped to lead a healthy and happy life.

 Lack of fitness affects not just health, but everything about our kids lives. Depression, stress, and anxiety are at record levels. Additionally, study after study shows poor fitness affects ability to learn and has a huge effect on school performance. We know without a doubt a child who is not physically active is not assimilating information or thinking to their full potential. In other words, there will not be better math scores until we have better health scores. You cannot have a STEM genius without fitness: there is a balance that needs to be struck between nerd and jock.

 The fact is, our children are fighting for their lives: between bad food and two-dimensional entertainment, creating healthy habits has become a Herculean task for young people. We must empower our children to build active, healthy lives that set them on a path for success and happiness. We can solve this problem now by changing America’s physical education programs to ensure kids preserve their physical identity and lay a foundation for lifelong physical fitness.

 Weaving together persuasive data, science, and history,  Survival of the Fit sounds the alarm regarding America’s health crisis, and explains how we can use the tools, knowledge, and the existing infrastructure to make positive changes with immediate results for students in every school, not just the lucky few.

Knee Surgery

Millions of people have knee surgery each year, and in the years to come, as millions more head to the operating room, chances are you or someone you know will undergo knee surgery. Busy doctors, therapists, and athletic trainers have limited time to spend on an individual’s physical and mental rehabilitation, yet these are the keys to full recovery.

This comprehensive and accessible guide, written by a renowned knee surgeon and sport psychologist, presents information you can effectively use and understand to prepare for and recover from all types of knee surgery- from arthroscopy for a meniscal tear to a full knee replacement. It offers a medically sound, easy-to-follow recovery program, with illustrated movements and daily routines for knee rehabilitation that will get you back to work and sports as quickly as possible.

Besides the physical stress of knee surgery, there is also the psychological stress, and effective healing needs to take place on both fronts. Dr. O’Neill places special focus on the mind-body connection, and this is the first book of its kind to do so.

In this age of same-day surgery and do-it-yourself health, Knee Surgery will help you get better quickly and reliably. It will help you decrease pain and increase fitness before and after knee surgery and maintain a health lifestyle.

To order copies of Knee Surgery: The Complete Guide to Total Recovery (St. Martins Press): Amazon.com